Newest Trailer for “Mr.Holmes” Reveals The Truth

A new twist on the ever popular character of Sherlock Holmes will be thrown by the upcoming movie that is set to be in British cinemas this July.


One of the first shots of Ian McKellen as Sherlock Holmes.

The film focuses on a 93 year old Sherlock Holmes who has already retired from solving the greatest mysteries presented in front of him while he deals with the fact that his mind is not what it once was during his prime. While the movie shows his life after retirement, it will also bring a new attitude and look for the character. The trademark pipe and deepstalker cap will not be a part of the movie. The character in the trailer mentions that some of the media portrayals of Holmes are not exactly accurate. As opposed to a pipe, he prefers a cigar and as for the signature cap, he never worn one in is historic life. It seems as if his sidekick Dr.Watson may have embellished the the life of Holmes just a bit.

Sherlock Holmes being played by Robert Downey Jr.

The last person to portray Sherlock Holmes was Robert Downey Jr who showcased his acting talents in the two films that revolve around the detective during his prime through action. His role was critically acclaimed and resurrected the character for many to enjoy.Ian McKellen will play the role of the legendary detective and based off his acting resume, the character looks very promising as we got to see a different side of him, a more vulnerable version. This movie will take a different approach by including a case that even the great Holmes couldn’t solve himself along with the possibility of death occurring soon. While Downey displayed the full brilliant mind of the character, McKellen will display Holmes after going through the battles and solving mysteries over the years.

With that being said, “Mr.Holmes” is set for a US release on July 17, 2015. Here is the latest trailer.

Concept Artwork of “Captain American: Civil War” is Released

Captain America: Civil War is set to be in theaters on May 2016 and an artwork to promote the movie has just been released to the public. The picture shows the Marvel heroes of Captain America and Ironman clashing with their updated uniforms for the film.civil-war-promo-art-600x321

After Avengers 2, Marvel’s next movie to focus on is the upcoming feud between “The Cap” and Tony Stark that will also build up to the next Avengers movie, according to actor Chris Evans. The film is about the disagreement among the Avenger heavyweights about a law that was passed that allows the government to monitor anything that is superhuman. This causes the rest of the team to decide which side they’ll be on in what looks to be a large and personal feud. From the looks on the artwork, it looks like Captain America and Ironman will pull out their best weapons and skills to win this battle. The art also has a darker tone to it with the rain and lightning in the backround. Even Scarlett Johansson admits that the script is different from the previous Marvel films.

is-captain-america-3-civil-war-a-bad-idea-or-is-avengers-3-better-marvel-civil-war-poster1No official poster has been released to the public but that hasn’t stopped fans from making versions of their own like this one. This could very well be one of the more serious films of the Marvel universe despite having the humorous charms of Tony Stark. The film is scheduled to be released in May 2016 and will be the first Marvel film to be shot in IMAX.

The Terminator is Back!….and Conan and Jack Slater and Mr.Freeze

Ever wonder what would happen if Conan the Barbarian returned to the present day? Well the closest you would see is the recent segment that Arnold Scharzenegger did with James Corden in the Late Late Show.

Arnold_Schwarzenegger_February_2015The Terminator superstar reenacted almost all of his films with a little help from Corden as part of his guest on the Late Late Show with James Corden. The segment included some of Scharzenegger’s iconic moments in his films like Conan the Barbarian, The Terminator and Pumping Iron along with some added humor to poke some fun at him and his well-known accent. Scharzenegger wore costumes similar to what his character’s wore and said some of his famous catchphrases that still sounds the same after nearly 40 years in the film industry. It was all in good fun as even his worst films were acted out. Arnold reprised his roles like Mr.Freeze from the awful “Batman & Robin” film and Howard Langston from his feel-good christmas movie of “Jingle All The Day.” Fans on YouTube certainly enjoyed the action star’s approach to making fun of himself and still come back in the leather jacket & sunglasses to say “I’ll be back” and “Hasta la vista, baby.”

Arnold came on James Corden’s show to promote his latest film “Terminator Genisys” which will be released on July 1, 2015. The film will feature Scharzenegger back in the role that rose him up to superstardom. This time, Arnold will be doing a proper reprisal of his role as the T-101 model. The entire segment can be seen below along with his time as a guest on the Late Late Show.

Central Intelligence Begins Production

Everything seems to go according to plan as production for the upcoming comedy-action film “Central Intelligence” have begun.

The film stars Kevin Hart and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and they will be teaming up for the first time on the big screen. Both Hart and Johnson have enjoyed great success in their respective industries and will look to combine the two worlds into a film filled with action, adventure and a lot of humor added to the mix. The two actors have posted a picture of themselves next to a white semi-truck on their instagram page that production is a go(while addressing the obvious difference in size between them).

kevin-hart_seriously-funny_HCRWith his two films “The Wedding Ringer” and “Get Hard” already released this year, Hart will add another film to his acting resume and will have another buddy partner with the The Rock next to him. Hart is well known for his humor that addresses his size compared to the average man while still being able to make light fun of others in his movies. Despite the negative reception that last year’s Ride Along got from critics, it did very well at the box office because of the star power between himself and Ice Cube. “Central Intelligence” should have that same level of success.

Dwayne Johnson is mostly known for his roles as an unstors_600x600-140618140017-600.the-rock-working-outppable freak of nature along with his incredible professional wrestling career as The Rock. From being Scorpion King to Hercules to Luke Dobbs, Johnson has always have the image of the strongest, toughest, warriors that his role needs. Despite the amount of success as an action star, Johnson also has experience in comedy with his humor from The Rock and being in comedy films like Get Smart and The Other Guys.  Johnson won’t be in uncharted territory since many fans enjoy his sense of humor based off from his instagram page and his ability on the mic when he was with the WWE.

“Central Intelligence” is scheduled to be released on June 17th, 2016.

Robert Downey JR Leaves Set During Interview

robert-downey-jr-premiere-iron-man-3-03I think its safe to say that not much can strike a nerve in Tony Starks’ core, but what about Downey himself? Well its certainly justified for how the Avenger’s star reacted during an interview for Channel 4 news while promoting the Avengers 2 movie that was recently released this weekend(and made about $89 million on opening day I might add).

The first half of the interview seemed to go smoothly, asking questions about the film and the popular character that rejuvenated Downey’s career. However, things got a bit strange for the Ironman star. The person conducting the interview, Krishnan Guru-Murthy, reference to something that Downey said in a the NY Times back in 2009. As soon he made the reference, Downey immediately looked at him strange, wondering why he asked such a question considering that he doesn’t remember what he said about 6 years ago. He tried to answer the question to the best of his ability and things got a bit chippy in the next question.

As you can tell through Guru-Murthy’s mannerisms while trying to ask the next question, he was hesitant to make the transition towards what he wanted to ask. When asked if he has a few more minutes to talk a few things, it seemed that Downey responded either sarcastically or in a tone that came off as annoyed. 19289-mf0sb8Soon afterwards, Guru-Murthy made a reference to his father and then his past demons that got him in jail. As he was building up to his question, Downey gave a cold, hard death stare to Murthy. Downey then responds with a question of his own asking why is he here and says bye as he leaves his chair. Downey of course, politely asked the PR team to remove his mic and said “Its getting a little bit Diane Sawyer in here.” and leaves the room.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Krishnan Guru-Murthy pushed a few buttons. In another interview prior to this, he also got under Quentin Tarentino skin when trying to connect movie violence with real-life violence. Perhaps man known to stir some contervsery, Murthy may wanted a bit more out of these two actors as oppose to just promoting their newest film. With that being said, its say to say that Ironman won’t exactly invite Krishnan Guru-Murthy to his next birthday party.

Here is the full interview.

Warner Bros. Releases Batman vs Superman Trailer Early

Tell me. Are you excited? You will…because we finally get a trailer for the highly anticipated movie “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”.

For about a year, fans were able to catch a few photos of the film which includes the designs for the Bat suit that resembles the one worn by the character from Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight Returns”. A small teaser clip was shown at Comic-con last year that shows the possible conflict between the DC heavyweights. Since then, varies attempts have been made to leak this trailer out to the public and Warner Bros has made it a mission to take down any leaks shown across the internet. The effort paid off as many videos were taken down by the studio and only a select few were able to catch the teaser.

Fast forward to April 2015 and the studio decides to have screening for the trailer. Fans have already paid for the event but when the announcement was made, summer 2014 deja vu came. The trailer somehow found its way to the public. Whether it be in subtitles, a different language or parts of the trailer released, the fans of the DC Universe were able to see glimpses of the two characters in action. The amount of videos shown all over the internet may have been too much for Warner Bros to handle that they decided to just release the full trailer on their YouTube page. Perhaps that decision was made to try and compete with the recent Star Wars trailer that was just released but either way, christmas came early for the DC Universe.

With that being said, the movie is scheduled to be in theaters in March of 2016. We were finally able to see Ben Affleck in the bat suit and the premise of the film is shown within the trailer. Perhaps more is to come from Warner Bros but until then, this 2:13 minute trailer is all we need for now.

Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods Review


As a huge fan of the original manga and the television series, I decided to continue the trend of the previous story and do a review of the movie, “Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods”.2988630-1014142630-drago

The first thing you may notice at the beginning of the film is the quality of the animation itself. The color is much brighter, the texture is smoother, and the effects is much better than the original tv series. It does make sense since the previous films and episodes were created back in 90s so the overall quality should be improved in 2013 with technology being more advanced than ever before. The attention to detail is unlike anything that DBZ fans have ever seen before and the animators did a tremendous job reviving a story from the 80s and 90s with 21st century technology and basically rejuvenating the animation to life. Fans didn’t have a problem with the animation when the episodes and films first aired but using the newest methods of animating brought in a fresh new look for the franchise.

A surprising moment for the fans, Beerus the Destroyer(right) easily defeats Goku(left).

The plot of the movie is something that takes a lot of interest in the world of Dragonball Z.  The story starts with a god by the name of Beerus the Destroyer who awakens from his 39 year slumber and finds out that a saiyan(an alien from the planet Vegeta) has taken down the evil tyrant known as Frieza. Seeking a worthy challenger to do battle, he and his teacher Whis travel across the universe in search of the saiyan that defeated Frieza in hopes to find out if the myth of the “Super Saiyan God” is real. In doing so, he meets the saiyan(and protagonist) named Son-Goku. As a result from his saiyan characteristics of getting a thrill out of fighting, Goku gets beaten badly by Beerus after suffering only two blows despite the full power to Super Saiyan 3. Afterwards, Beerus travels to planet Earth in search of the “Super Saiyan God” and knowing from his title “The Destroyer” the fate of the planet rests on Goku being able to reach the status of a god. Eventually Goku returns to planet earth and learns how a saiyan can reach this legendary status of “Super Saiyan God”. In doing so, he obtains the much needed power and challenges Beerus to another fight. A much closer battle than the first one but Goku still cannot match the maximum power of Beerus as he only uses 70% of his strength. However, Beerus was impressed with Goku’s character and his will to protect his loved ones that he decides to spare the planet and Goku himself in return that he gets a rematch in the future. The story concludes with Goku jokingly getting slapped around by his longtime friend Bulma for ruining her 38th birthday party thanks in part to the mayhem caused by Beerus.

Beerus the Destroyer charges his energy attack.

If you’re someone that isn’t familiar with the Dragonball story, I’ll use a simple comparison. The main protagonist of the story, Goku, isJapan’s own version of what Superman is. A pure-hearted person who protects the planet Earth fromwhatever evil is trying to destroy it.The main concept of the manga is that an evil force threatens the planet(and even the entire Universe) and Goku is the only hope of defeating that evil force. What makes this film very interesting is that the usual approach to how previous films and the entire story is told takes a different direction. Despite his reputation as the destroyer of planets, Beerus never had the traditional qualities of the “bad guy”. His main intentions was to find a worthy opponent capable of testing his incredible power. He had the capability of wiping out the entire human race but never did so because it wasn’t in his character to do it. Also take into account that the main hero lost both fights to Beerus but was spared. The average Dragonball fan recognizes that the usual plot for any film is that Goku always finds a way to defeat the antogonist but the creator of the story, Akira Toriyama, takes a different approach and shows the audience Goku’s vulnerability by providing an opponent that outmatches him in every category. A fresh new direction for the story of Son-Goku but it works. Instead of making the film predictable, Toriyama throws a few curveballs that keeps the audience guessing throughout the movie and provides a different way to end the movie by showing that Goku is NOT the strongest in the world of Dragonball despite reaching the legendary status of a god.

A popular moment for the fans of the series, Vegeta fights Beerus after witnessing his wife being slapped by him which allows his rage to surpass Goku's Super Saiyan 3 power.
A popular moment for the fans of the series, Vegeta fights Beerus after witnessing his wife being slapped by Beerus which allows his rage to surpass Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 power.

As I have described who Beerus is earlier, the characters of the movie continue to show their qualities along with some good character development from the story of the manga to the movie. An example of such is Vegeta’s development into a more kind and caring person as he gave his full effort to keep Beerus calm, cool and collected in his pursuit of a challenger. He even had to resort to dancing in front of his friends and in order to entertain Beerus and keep him in a good mood which was extremely uncharacteristic of him to do so if you knew the kind of man he was and is throughout the manga.A controversial moment among fans but it shows the development of one of the more popular characters of the series. Vegeta went from a man who was a lone wolf and only cared about becoming the strongest fighter in the universe to becoming a man who is willing to put aside his pride in order to protect those he cared the most.

I did have a few issues with the film starting with how some of the other characters were treated throughout the film. Despite some good development from Vegeta and how great the character of Beerus is, some of the other characters weren’t exactly taken as serious as before. Many fans can agree that the likes of Gohan and Piccolo have lost interest in the series after the Cell saga. We recognize that Beerus is much stronger than them but they should still be able to put up a better fight than what they displayed, not to mention they had a few moments in which fans had question marks. Perhaps its the alcohol taking into effect but for Gohan to accidentally deflect a bullet to his wife’s leg shows carelessness and regression of his character as a whole.

Meanwhile,  Goten and Trunks seem have gotten even smaller and younger despite the fact that this film takes place a few years after the battle with Majin Buu. At this point, the two kids should be closer to teens as opposed to shrinking in size and still displaying their childish qualities that may have worked in the series but not when its been a couple of years.

Super Saiyan God Goku
Goku in his “Kaioken” form.

Another issue I had is the image of the “Super Saiyan God”. The characteristics of the form is very similar to the Kaioken form which had a red aura & hair and a very slight upward shift of the hair. Other physical appearances from the form is a leaner body and darker skin. While the concept of the story is unique, many fans and myself can agree that the form is a bit disappointing since we’ve seen better looking transformations from Super Saiyan 1-3 and even 4 despite not being canon. All the hype and marketing that went to the transformation had brought up high expectations and something as simple as that physical appearance made it a bit disappointing. Dragonball fans were also very intrigue into seeing what the concept of a “Super Saiyan God” would be like in the story, especially since almost every character had reached godlike statuses in the fictional world. The word “god” was never mentioned in the entire series so the assumption was made that the entire universe viewed the likes of Goku, Vegeta and even Gohan & Piccolo as beings with powers similar to a god. To know that there are other beings that are actual Gods brought in a whole new level to the story that the audience was certainly excited for.

Super Saiyan God Goku vs Beerus. Despite gaining incredible power, Goku was unable to defeat Beerus in a rematch that was closer than the previous fight.

With that being said, the film brought in an interesting factor into the story of Dragonball with the Gods of that universe. The continued development of Vegeta provided more depth to the story and the creation of Beerus the Destroyer from Toriyama is another one of many interesting characters of the manga that gives fans something to enjoy. The plot of the movie takes away from the traditional ways of Goku being beaten up by the bad guy, only to somehow come out victorious in the end. Beerus was never the bad guy, he just wanted a clash with a challenger capable of bringing out the best of him. Combined that with the thrill that Goku finds out of a fight, it creates an atmosphere of epic proportions to fans across the world. The story is something new to Dragonball, Goku in the end is not the strongest and the Earth could have been destroyed but it was Goku’s character that made Beerus spare him and the planet from destruction. By doing so, both sides became decent friends because of how Goku treats his competition with respect and admiration. Despite some flaws and inconsistency from this movie to the manga and a somewhat letdown from “Super Saiyan God” Akira Toriyama still has the IT factor when it comes to creating great content to the fictional world and it was a tremendous feeling just to see Son-Goku and his friends back in action after his story had seemingly ended nearly 2 decades ago.

Movie rating: 7 out of 10.

Here is the full trailer of the movie.

Dragonball Z: Resurrection of F will be Released this Friday

Dbz_movie_2015_posterThe long wait is over for Dragonball Z fans across Japan as the movie “Revival of F” is set to release this weekend across the country. From mid to late 2014, various pictures, commercials and other promotions were released, each revealing the premise more than the previous one. The premise of the film had finally been revealed once the trailer made its debut online in December 2014, giving fans something to look forward to and a release date which is April 18th, 2015.

DB_TankōbonDragonball Z is a manga written and drawn by a man named Akira Toriyama that was released in Shonen Jump back in November of 1984. The manga was well received by fans across Japan that the story had to be adapted into an anime and soon “Dragonball” made its television premiere on February 26, 1986. A company by the name of Funimation soon acquired the rights to the show, translated it to english and was released across the United States. The popularity grew exponentially and is part of the culture in Japan and has made its mark in the United  States. The official manga ended in 1995 and soon the television show made its end a year later in Japan. Since then, fans have been hoping to see the show brought back to life and nearly 18 years later, a film was released that takes place in the events of Chapter 517 called “Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods”. The film was an instant success and because of that, Akira Toriyama decided to have a sequel to the movie and this weekend the sequel will make its debut.

For months, clips and pictures were released online that gave fans a few glimpses into what the story is about. It all started with a 30 second video that gave the message of “The worst wish in history has finally been granted”. The wish is a reference to the eternal dragon of the story that grants almost any wish to anyone that summons him. Many fans have speculated what wish was granted and most have predicted that a past villain of the manga was revived as a result from a wish. The title of the movie was then released that was entitled “Revival of F” and fans across the world instantly knew who the villain was that was wished back to life.

The premise of the film follows 2 years after Battle of Gods and the main protagonist Goku frieza_final_bout_update_by_kingvegito-d540koomust find a way to save the Universe once again as one of his greatest foes is back from the dead to extract his revenge on the only man that caused him suffering. The antagonist goes by the name of Frieza and he reveals another monstrous transformation that threatens planet Earth and it may be too much for Goku and his friends to handle.

Many questions still have fans wondering like how much stronger did Frieza get while being dead? Who made the wish to revive the tyrant and of course, how can anyone stop him now that he has gained this newfound power and plans to use it to take all forms of life? All these questions will be answered this Friday as Dragonball Z: Revival of F will be in theaters across Japan.

The Fast and The Furious Franchise Says Goodbye to Paul…but not the Story!


“One last ride.” Words spoken by the character of Dominic Teretto of Furious 7. furious-7_nws20The Fast and the Furious franchise delivers yet another action packed film that has outdone its predecessor but comes at an emotional price. On November 30th, 2013 actor Paul Walker died in a car accident in Valencia, CA. At age 40, Walker’s death was unexpected and brought millions of fans across the country in utter shock and tears. Others that suffered the same heartbreak were fellow stars Vin Diesel, Tyrese Gibson tyrese-gibsonand rapper Ludacris who all came to the scene of Walker’s accident. An unforgettable moment was when Gibson broke down in tears after he had arrived at the location of his co-star’s death and fans followed suit, mourning this tragedy.

Following Walker’s passing, a question immediately rose. How will the Furious 7 film be completed without one of its main stars? Many have speculated that the character of Brian O’ Connor would be written off the story. Others predicted that the character would have been killed by Jason Statham’s character on-screen or off-screen. The movie had 80% of filming done at the time of Walker’s death and they could not back down at that point in production. So how would director James Wan deliver an ending that was right for the franchise but also pay respect to the late actor? With help from Paul’s brother Cody, the film was able to be completed with CGI effects and a few shots shadowing Brian O’Connor’s face.

The ending of the movie begins with the entire crew at a remote beach while Brian is spending quality time with his wife and son knowing that he has a daughter on the way. After seeing the joy in his face, Teretto leaves and drives away only to be followed by paul-walker1Brian himself(played by Cody Walker at this point in the film) and goes off for “one last ride”. During the entire drive, clips of Walker in the previous Fast & Furious films(1-6) were shown while the song “See You Again” was playing in the back-round and an emotional speech by the character of Teretto was also played. As the two characters  continue driving, Brian takes an alternate road that separates them and drives off into the sunset. The movie turns to white and two words appear on the screen. “For Paul.” and then the credits roll.

The film was praised with positive reviews and many believe that the ending was the perfect send-off to Brian O’Connor but was also a wonderful tribute to Paul Walker himself. It could be said that at that point in the film, the audience was not looking at the popular characters of the franchise but actors with genuine expressions on their face, mourning for their friend. They were not hearing Toretto’s voice talking about his brother Brian but Vin Diesel’s voice paying tribute to his longtime friend and co-star Paul Walker. The entire ending was dedicated to Walker and delivered an incredible moment that many fans of the franchise will never forget.

Now that everyone has said their goodbyes and cried out their tears after witnessing that ending, what is next for the franchise? Vin Diesel has gone on record to say that an 8th installment is planned although the story has not yet been developed. It is possible to continue the story without Walker considering that his character is officially retired from bullets & fast cars while enjoying the domesticated life of being a husband and a father. While many would love to see Toretto continue to drive muscle cars and beat people up with his fists, others feel that it wouldn’t feel complete to continue the story without one of its main characters despite the proper send-off. Paul Walker played an important role in the franchise and despite the amount of success each film has received, it may be best just to end the story right there with O’Connor driving off into the bright sunset that unfortunately Walker’s future was not as bright.

Now we can go over various scenarios on how they can continue the franchise and reasons why they should or should not go through with this but the fact remains, an 8th film is planned according to Diesel.
11067608_750734891702733_1050600494298020407_nHowever, fans can rest easy and feel a sense of closure knowing that Brian O’Connor is settled with his family and that the story paid its respects to one of the actors that helped carry the franchise to the promise land. Paul Walker tragically goes out in what his character has avoided in all the films which is death caused by a car accident but for old times sake, fans have just seen Walker go out for “one last ride.”

Bazinga Batman!Could the Riddler Make a Return?

We all know the history of comics turning into live-action movies. Some are more successful than others but what else makes a movie so darn good like Nolan’s Batman series? Not a role that makes the actor but when the actor steps the role to another level. To stay on the topic of Batman, lets use the example of the Joker played by Heath Ledger. An amazing and talented actor who was pretty much capable of playing just about any role. When he was casted to become the Joker, expectations were high because DC fans know how incredible and crucial the role of the Joker is to any Batman movie or TV show. Ledger took that role and raised it to a whole other level with his performance in the Dark Knight film.

The_Riddler_Jim_CarreyLets use one more example. The 1995 Batman Forever movie had one actor in particular that raised the role of a villain to another level. Jim Carrey as the Riddler.Carrey was on the rise after having successful films like Ace Ventura and The Mask so it was expected that Carrey’s charisma and mannerisms in those movies would create the perfect Riddler.

Carrey’s performance is still remembered to this day but since that movie was 20 years ago, who is this generation’s Riddler? Which actor is capable of playing the character of the Riddler which requires to have some insanity along with great charisma?tumblr_static_dc056b4f8c9493f3c64e6e0a85382b31 Why not comic book geek and theoretical physicist Dr.Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory? While promoting his upcoming movie “Home”, Jim Parsons was asked by a fan on social media if he would like to play a superhero in a movie. Parsons expressed his interest in actually being a villain in the future and says “I would really like to play The Riddler. I don’t feel they’re using The Riddler very much, are they?” Parsons recently turned 42 but still looks as if he is in mid 20s and has a lot of years left in the world of acting. He is mostly known for his role as Sheldon Cooper in CBS’s “The Big Bang Theory” which has won numerous awards and Parsons is always praised for his performances as the weird, comic-book obsessed, super genius.

Many people feel that Parsons may be perfect for the role as the Riddler. The character of Sheldon Cooper requires similar attributes that the Riddler has. Both characters show signs of insanity(even though Sheldon states that his mother had him tested) and both carry similar physiques with their slim bodies and posture. It would also be fitting that Parsons would play a comic book villain when Sheldon’s character is a huge comic book fan and even has some merchandise of the Riddler. Sheldon Cooper has dressed as the Flash and even told his roommate Leonard Hofstader(after being drugged with medicine) trs_1024x759-150320131453-1024-jim-parsons-riddlerhat he was Batman. Well apparently Sheldon Cooper could be the next Riddler if Parsons has a desire to play the role, especially since a Batman movie, starring Ben Affleck, is set for a 2019 release. Plenty of time to start casting villains like the Joker and of course, the Riddler.

With that being said, Parsons may also need that role more than he knows. When you think of Jim Parsons, most of the time you think of Sheldon Cooper. Parsons is a fantastic actor and is deserving of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but with about 3 seasons of the Big Bang Theory left, Parsons may need to start expanding his acting resume. Perhaps his new movie “Home” will help tremendously with that but if he can manage to get casted as the Riddler and rejuvenate the character to DC fans, he could very well cement his status as one of the greatest actors not only of his time but in history. Also take into account that the future Batman films will be approached with a more serious tone as opposed to a family-friendly environment from 20 years ago, this could be a new and exciting challenge for Parsons to take on. Ledger took the Joker to new heights and Jim Carrey did the same with the Riddler. For 20 years, the Riddler remains completely quiet, maybe even forgotten by some fans but if anyone can revive that character and take it to new heights, it is no doubt Jim Parsons. Perhaps 2019, Batman will be getting a “Bazinga” by the Riddler.

Below is the video where Parsons expressed his interest playing as the mad villain.